Happiness, Right Now - Rachel

When first tasked with this blog I was having trouble coming up with ideas as to what to submit. I tried racking my brain for hours as to what creative vice I could utilize, often winding up frustrated with myself, and grasping for motivation to create content. One late morning at work, frustrated with lack of ideas, I went outside to give my eyes a break from the computer screen. I sat down on a chair, pushed the impending deadline out of my mind, and started appreciating the sunshine that was just warm enough, but not too hot.

Almost immediately my mood started to improve as I enjoyed the breeze and the distant seagulls in the background, completing the perfect beach town vibe. I became aware of how happy I was at that moment, and the idea for this blog was suddenly right in front of me. Happiness.

​The pursuit of happiness is a common cliché that’s portrayed in movies that are secretly our guilty pleasure, (Under the Tuscan Sun anyone?!). I myself, use to scoff at the idea of this journey, laughing at how cheesy it sounded. This was until I found myself in a situation where I felt stuck, and not the best version of myself. I remember very clearly a night in particular when I realized I need to make changes in my life that’d make me feel a childlike sense of happiness again. That was the night I applied for Jubilee.

Jubilee Year has provided me with opportunities to challenge myself, grow, and discover who I really am as a person. Every day I am presented with the chance to take one step closer to continue to grow into my most authentic self. I’ve learned that happiness isn’t just an end goal, happiness can be found in ones journey and you are tasked with learning how to grow and maintain it. I have found happiness in people, places, trying new things, stepping out of my comfort zone and even in the mundane things that I had previously take for granted.

Below are a few images that represent happiness to me as of now.

~ Rachel


Life, Right Now - Junmey