Our Alumni
Over the last 3 decades, we have hosted corps members from all over the world. When the year of service ends, those who don't remain in Los Angeles go off to serve communities all over the world. After over 30 years of service with more than 250 alumni, we've built a vast community & a wide-reaching network of friends, partners, and supporters - all of whom are passionate changemakers.
Starting in 2025, we are focusing our recruitment efforts in the vast and diverse communities of Los Angeles county.

What They say…
I'm so grateful for the opportunity to serve through this incredible opportunity during 2012-2013. This program literally changed my life by renewing my faith in community, challenging me in unexpected ways and giving me the freedom to develop.
Kelli Poole | 2012-2013
Overall, I am in the best place, both location wise and mentally, that I could be right now. That’s not to say that everything is good and awesome and perfect, because it is very clearly not, but I feel grateful to be experiencing all of this while surrounded by people who care about me, about our community, and about doing everything they can to make things better.
Caitlin Gillard | 2019-2020
Though I knew that I would learn a lot during my year in EUIP, I did not expect that it would affect me as much as it has...I have grown to both love LA and my job and the experiences both have given me...I am extremely glad I took this year off before graduate school, and it’s not over yet!
Sarah Palmer | 2008-2009
I served in EUIP 2012-2013 and it was one of those life changing experiences I will never forget! It challenged me mentally, spiritually and personally. It allowed me to meet some wonderful people who are now my extended family! I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to be a part of such an enriching program and I wouldn't have done it anywhere else...
Sanchez Thomas | 2012-2013
I have had the most amazing, rewarding, and meaningful experiences of my life, and I’ve only been here a few weeks... EUIP is a great way to discover yourself and what God wants for you. It’s also an amazing (and affordable) way to discover a new part of the country. Be bold, be brave, and do something different. It could change your life.
Anna Hinesley | 2016-2017
As my year of service with EUIP comes to a close, I’ve been thinking about all of the amazing and life-changing experiences I’ve had. What’s coming next for me is exciting, but there are many things that I’ll miss about this year... This year has been hard but beautiful; stressful but exciting; exhausting but necessary. Thank you EUIP for changing me and for helping me to truly become the soil.
Caroline Klasey | 2015-2016
Getting to hear the stories of people I work with makes this year away from loved ones rewarding. They remind me that I’m not just sitting in an office while the sun is shining over the beach; but rather that I’m connecting people to housing and something like the life they lost... At the end of this year, I want to leave with more than my story. I want to take as many of my clients’ stories with me as I can. Now that’s my idea of living large.
Bryce Fisher | 2008-2009

I can honestly say I am very thankful and lucky to be blessed with some amazing people and constantly am in awe of them and this program. I really am grateful to be enjoying life and living alongside some of the greatest people I know….That’s squad, that’s family. It’s just that simple.
Frankie Bruny | 2017-2018
I participated in a year of service with EUIP and it was definitely one of the best experiences of my life. I helped many, made so many new friends and now I have friends/family around the world for the rest of my life. The leaders of the program are top notch and you will be challenged in every which way, coming out stronger than you were before.
Amanda Schlosberg | EUIP 2012-2013
When I confirmed for my year as an Episcopal Urban Intern, I knew I would have some new experiences. But I had no idea how formative those new experiences would be. As I begin to reflect on EUIP, I can look back and see major changes in my life. They include: a significant shift in location and setting, from an Oklahoma suburb to west Los Angeles; a feeling of self reliance as I moved to a new city and developed a home; a much greater knowledge and experience base of social services in general and HIV/AIDS in particular; and a much more open mind.