committed to Justice, Equity, service, community, & exploration

We ascribe to Mary Wollstonecraft’s timeless analysis “It is Justice, not charity that is wanting in this world.” As such, in service and as community-builders, compassion, empathy, & equity stand at the core of all we do . We believe the year of service experience and the values we hold together contribute to an emergent collaboration with the power to address the deep, structural, and systematic realities of injustice.
There is no justice without equity. JYLA is committed to a year of service experience that welcomes, affirms, & celebrates people of color and we work hard to ensure our friends in the LGBTQIA+ community are safe, seen, & heard in our program. Whoever you are, whatever your identity and journey, JYLA is for you.

Intentional commitment to serving the community is the foundation of the Jubilee Year experience. It is about giving to the community, connecting through lived experience, and changing the world through collaborative efforts.
From strangers to family, we take the formation of affirming, intentional community seriously. Every JYLA cohort is made up of creative, diverse, and committed young adults seeking meaningful connection in a space that prioritizes growth, learning, challenge, and authentic relationship.

While our program is rooted in the Christian tradition and was founded as an Episcopal program, we are intentionally committed to forming and fostering an interreligious community. Our fellows come from diverse religious backgrounds - or none at all. We welcome that and together we explore the many ways we can be spiritually enlivened and engaged in our modern world.