Hi there! I’m Beles, a native North Carolinian who enjoys long walks in nature and taking scenic photographs of my surroundings. Having spent my whole life here, I figured it was time to spread my wings a bit. So, after recently graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, I’m packing my bags and heading out west to Los Angeles.
Growing up in the South, I’ve seen my fair share of inequality and systemic issues. During my academic career at Duke University, I developed a more nuanced understanding of the social structures and inequities that predominantly shape marginalized communities. This has made me passionate about working to make a tangible impact in addressing these challenges. I thankfully stumbled upon the JYLA program and knew I had to be a part of it. Their grassroots approach and commitment to making a substantial difference in people’s lives resonated with me deeply. Plus, with its diverse population and complex social landscape, LA seemed like the perfect place to put my knowledge and experiences into action. I’m super stoked to be part of a collective that is committed to service and community empowerment, and I’m looking forward to the opportunities and growth that this year will bring!
Hey y’all, Erik Rogers, coming in excited, determined, and ready to learn and grow. Just a little background on ya boy. I am 23 years old and just received my master’s degree in public administration concentrating in Management and Finance this past May from Georgia State and got my bachelor’s degree in integrated strategic communication in 2022 from the University of Houston. I enjoy anything competitive, I will compete with who can tie their shoe the fastest, so come ready. I like drawing, listening to music and trying new adventurous things, which brings me to the reason I choose to participate in the Jubilee Year. I really enjoy opportunities where I can immerse myself in situations that will challenge me and environments that take me out of my comfort zone. That is Jubilee Year to me. The ability to live in and work in communities that need young active leaders to provide aid and to represent a positive image of public service. I also choose Jubilee Year to gain hands on experience working with community minded organization that I believe will help me clarify and make clear what purpose God has for me in this world.
Hey, everyone!
My name is Kassandra Moran and I am from a little city in New Jersey called Camden. I recently graduated with my Bachelor’s in Sociology and have always had a strong interest in social justice. When I heard about Jubilee I knew that I had to take a chance at the opportunity to continue that love of social justice through such a unique experience. The commitment Jubilee has to creating change and giving fellows the tools to be a part of that change is especially encouraging and I am thrilled to be a part of it.
A little more about me outside of sociology; I love art of all kinds; movies, music, painting, crafting, etc. Creativity is another big piece of me and how I enjoy spending my free time. I also love to read and really appreciate a good book recommendation!
I’m really looking forward to this experience being impactful for all of us and can’t wait to connect with everyone and make lasting memories. Here’s to an amazing Jubilee 24-25!
Hi! My name is Makayla Davis, and I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. I just graduated from University of California, Davis with a major in Plant Biology and a minor in African American and African Studies. I hope to combine these two fields of study in a way that focuses on food justice, education, and scientific communication, hence why I was drawn to JYLA. Food is absolutely essential to everyone. Making food more accessible through community-based efforts is integral to enacting change, whether it be through creating green spaces, teaching classes, or just interacting with others. I am excited to explore different ways to enact change, and I look forward to what this year will hold for me.
I enjoy pottery, roller skating, and anything plant-related, like gardening or hiking. I hope to hone my skills in these areas throughout this next year, as well as make new friends with the other Jubilee fellows and the greater LA community!