Hi! My name is Danae and I grew up in Los Angeles. I love it with my whole heart and I’m so excited to engage even more deeply with this beautiful and multi-faceted city! I majored in Global Studies at UCLA, and since then have been a middle school English teacher in France.
My goal in life is to hopefully make a difference, however small, in this world. I am especially passionate about working with the unhoused community and the LGBTQ community. I am excited about JYLA because it seems like a wonderful opportunity to become a changemaker and to connect with other people who are passionate about justice. In the future, I hope to receive a Masters in Social Work and become a licensed therapist!
In my free time, I love to go to the beach, cuddle my cats, read, rock climb, listen to Phoebe Bridgers, and go camping.
Hello, my name is Mostyn Trudinger-Smith. I grew up in Tucson, Arizona and moved to Los Angeles for college. I am graduating from Occidental College with a BA in Comparative Studies in Literature and Culture, with a minor in Biology.
I have many interests, and as I consider my future I often question what it means to live a good or meaningful life. For me, this question routinely comes back to strong relationships and helping others. I chose Jubilee Year for its focus on community based around service, two things which I see as central to a good life and seek to become more engaged in. It is always difficult to know the best way to create real change and do the most good for people and the planet, but I believe that the core of success in both of these endeavors is creating relationships that allow for exchange, reciprocity, and understanding.
I know I will learn a lot from this experience and community, and hope to be able to do as much good through service. I am very grateful for this opportunity and the Jubilee Year program!