Hello everyone! My name is Serenity, and I am 22 years old. I grew up in Andover, MN (about a half hour outside the Twin Cities) and obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the University of Minnesota Duluth. While I was in college I found myself wondering if I was living a life that I would feel fulfilled with. It wasn’t until I started working with foster children that I realized that when I work with individuals who are the most in need that I feel that I am making the most out of my life. Life so far has taught me that there can be all kind of ups and downs, but one small act of kindness can truly change someone’s life. If at the end of this service year I can say that I had positively affected one person’s life I would feel that the year had ended in success.
Traveling has also been a lifelong hobby of mine (Peep! That’s me on top of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece this past summer!). Although I love Minnesota, I have always known that I wanted to move out of this state for at least a year to live somewhere completely outside of my comfort zone. I have traveled to California multiple times, and when I first visited Los Angeles, I knew that something was special about this place. I am so excited to experience different cultures, religions, and beliefs during this service year and hope to learn something new every single day. Photography is also another one of my passions and I am looking forward to capturing this great adventure for me to look back on for the rest of my life!
Hi Everyone! My name is Glenda and I’m 23 years old (I also happen to be a Leo, the best sign in the zodiac). I am from everywhere and nowhere, born in Miami, raised in Atlanta, New York, Homestead and New Orleans. I'm a thoroughbred southern gal and I love learning new things and trying them, even if it’s only once. I’m a lover of ice cream, sweets of all sorts, laughing (even though it comes out as a cackle sometimes), musical theater, singing, performing, writing, and anything that allows me to be creative (it’s almost as if I belong in LA to be honest).
Throughout my life I've known two things for sure: my family would move and we’d be in poverty. Both of those things happened to be interconnected and they both inspired me to seek out Psychology at the Bachelors level from Xavier University of Louisiana and then a Masters in Social Work from Washington University in St. Louis, which I earned this past May. I went in with the hopes that I would be a therapist that would aid diverse communities by bringing awareness to mental health and the benefits of therapy.
I quickly discovered that therapy wasn’t my niche, and decided to pursue social justice and equity on a more macro/mezzo level. Then, something clicked! Working with underserved youth in the non profit setting was my passion!! My hope, throughout this year and my career, is to create a home away from home for youth of underserved communities in order to make life a tad bit easier and put a smile on a TON of people’s faces. Throughout my Jubilee Year experience I want to be the change I wish to see in the world and be a better asset to the communities I wish to serve.
Hi! My name is Mary and I’m from Thousand Oaks, California. I graduated from Union University in Jackson, TN in May of 2018 with my BA in Intercultural Studies. I’ve had a passion for people and justice for as long as I can remember, and as I’ve gotten older that’s shaped a lot of who I am. Through a variety of opportunities in college such as serving as President of Union’s chapter of International Justice Mission and being a part of attempts at my school and in my community to pursue racial reconciliation I’ve found a more specific passion for community development work.
Outside of all of that you can find me doing yoga, cooking, exploring museums or restaurants, enjoying a book at a local coffee shop, following (and possibly arguing about) politics, and trying to figure out how faith and spirituality can be worked into my life in beneficial ways. I’ve also started growing house plants this past year and they are slowly taking over my space. I am so excited for this service year and the opportunities I will have to serve LA and build community through JYLA.
Hi everyone, my name is Caitlin! I am from Alexandria, Virginia, but if you ask me, I’ll probably tell you that I’m from DC. This year I graduated from Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, where I studied digital media and communications. During my 4 years of college, I had the opportunity to work with various non-profit organizations in the Philadelphia area (and even one in Texas!) on establishing web and social media presences. This experience led me to become passionate about the power of community, and specifically each individual community’s story. I am so excited to begin this new adventure in Los Angeles, and can’t wait to see what the year has in store!
Hello! My name is Hannah, I am a 23-year-old from Western, NY. I graduated from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania in Spring 2018 with a degree in Journalism/PR and minor in Sociology.
I believe this past year humbled me a lot through my most recent work experiences. I have gained patience as a waitress, developed my faith and passion for serving youth as a youth ministry intern, and met challenges as a personal care aide for people with special needs.
Those who know me, typically identify me as passionate and kind-hearted. I enjoy spending quality time with loved ones, experiencing new cultures, adventuring through nature, analyzing social behaviors, writing poetry/stories, appreciating art as well as the artist who creates, and conducting research. I hold an appreciation for living history and the roots that have guided me to where I am in present day.
I feel very strongly about social justice reform and educating others through writing! I went into Journalism after reflecting on the importance of educating humanity on what is happening throughout the world. My hope is to bring people together by voicing the stories that deserve being told. You can find me advocating for a wide assortment of social issues. I think that too often, we focus on what we are comfortable with and try to fit other people into “our own world”, instead of trying to understand more of theirs.
My family raised me in the Episcopal Church and from a very young age I have had a very spiritual connection with Jesus and faith. I have experienced my fair share of challenges that have lead me running towards faith for answers and healing. I am very open about my support for inclusion in the Church and seek to welcome anyone, as I believe Jesus would do Himself.
I am excited about this year of service in Los Angeles! I see this year as an opportunity to grow, serve, and educate others. I chose JYLA because it incorporates acceptance, service, social justice, and intentional community. All of which are important to me as an individual. I hope to learn a lot from my fellow interns, as we grow together!