Hey, I’m Frankie Bruny, a 22 year old from Boston MA who’s hyped to be back in LA. Recently I graduated from a small school called Eastern Nazarene College in Quincy, MA that helped me discover my purpose.. kinda. During my time there I was able to be involved in different areas that I’m extremely passionate about including the Arts, Religious Studies and of course conversations around Social Justice. I actually ended up hearing about ESC during my time on a service trip with my school that we took to Ferguson MO. It was there that I realized that I needed to further my passion for people and get involved & allowing God to continue to shaped my heart to work on some of the injustices in the world. It was also during my time at ENC that I got to do a semester here in LA studying film. Outside of school, I was heavily involved in a non-profit back in Boston called St. Stephens Youth Programs. (funny how I go from one St. Stephens to another) ,There is where I was learned about injustices in society and how to use my voice. Now that we’ve gotten all that out the way, the important about me are the following: I’m a second generation Haitian who loves skateboarding and plantains. Kendrick Lamar and Tupac mean a lot to me. Gentrification is a topic I will most likely debate all day if I could. I heavily believe that Black Lives Matter and that intersectional feminism is necessary. As much as I love people I love sleep more. If binge watching movies was a sport, I would be a Gold medalist by now. I’m an artist who actually wants to make a living creating. Lastly, this year is solely to devote myself to God and to create a strong foundation in him because without him I can do nothing.
Hi! I’m Tyler Novet and I’m a 23-year-old professional Silly Person from Long Island. I graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a Bachelors of Science in Psychology. My biggest hobby is trying new hobbies, which is how I ended up taking classes in engineering, acting, computer programming, beat boxing, theme park design, beekeeping, jumping rope, and French – among others. My career goal is to be a superhero, but until my latent powers are manifest or I fall into a vat of radioactive waste, I’m very excited to be an EUI for the year.
I grew up going to a reform Jewish synagogue, and I mostly get my spiritual energy from camping, backpacking, and any kind of outdoor adventure. I have a fair amount of experience in social justice and community service as I dedicated a lot of time in college to sexual assault education and prevention as well as a number of service trips abroad; but I have never done something on the same scale as EUIP’s year of service. I am most excited to see what the home of Hollywood has to offer, as I’m really into standup comedy and analyzing TV and movies. I am completely unashamed of my terrible taste in music, so you can often find me (read as: “join me”) jamming out while cooking, trying out a new craft, tweaking my tinder profile, or planning my next adventure.
Hello World! My name is Malinda Estrada. I am 26 years old and I was born and raised in Mobile Alabama. I attended Leflore High School and received my diploma in May 2008. Afterwards, I attended the University of South Alabama where I graduated December 2012 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work. In October 2016, I was hired on as a Social service caseworker with the Mobile County Department of Human Resources. I gained many skills pertaining to child abuse, neglect, and homelessness throughout my 1 year career with the Department.
Ever since I was a little girl, people have told me I have a “Old Soul”. As a result, I have always been able to empathize with others. I definitely have a heart that cares for people; therefore, I love to serve and help others who are in need. I truly wish that I could build homes for every homeless person in the world. One of my dreams is to own my own Homeless facility that will push to maintain families as a unit.
Honestly, I just want to do something important in this world. At the end of my life journey, I want to be able to say I did something to help my fellow people, the communities they live in, and the world as a whole. The bible says “Greater is HE that is in ME, than HE that is in the world.” With this in mind, I know I’m destined for greatness and I believe this year of service with EIUP will give me better direction as I travel this unpredictable road. After I complete my service year with Jubilee Consortium, I plan to pursue my Master’s degree in Social Work with USC.
I am truly a Southern Belle who loves to read, sing, dance, write poetry, watch Netflix/Firestick, try new foods, and travel. I do not meet any strangers and most people say , ” I am the life of the party!” I can’t wait to touch down in L.A and give y’all some of this Alabama flavor. I am truly looking forward to living in intentional community with my fellow interns, growing spiritually, serving the community, and creating memories/friendships throughout the 2017-2018 year. Carpe Diem my Loves!
Hey, my name is Ronald Harris II (but I go by Ron). I’m 24 years old from Raleigh, North Carolina. I recently graduated from Florida A & M University (FAMU) with a major in Psychology and a minor in Religion/Philosophy. Growing up I dreamed and aspired to become a professional football player. Then when I was introduced to Christ my senior year in high school that changed my life for ever. Jesus served the widows, the orphans, the poor and the oppressed; I believe as a Christian I’m called to be like Christ and live a life of service. I love people and experiencing different cultures. Also I like movies, competing, eating and being physically active. I’m extremely excited to serve Jubilee and the Los Angeles community.
Hi my name is Lauren Scott and I recently graduated from Elon University. While in small town North Carolina I studied Public Health with focuses in poverty and social justice, as well as religion. I am so excited to join the EUIP team to earn a greater understanding of the dynamics of life in Los Angeles!
I love finding friends that I can share cool experiences with like seeing live music or heading to the beach. I hope to meet people that cross lines of difference and we can share stories and memories. I have spent a lot of time working in sustainable agriculture with the goal of hunger relief and also advocating for women’s health! I am so excited for what opportunities and meaningful connections this year of service has to offer!
Hey, everyone, My name is Bill Warners.
Originally from Haiti, born in Guantanamo Bay, and raised outside Grand Rapids Michigan, I’ve enjoyed traveling since I was three weeks old. I am an alumnus of Calvin College in Grand Rapids with a degree in History. Though I enjoy being part of the part of the 21st century, I enjoy studying the 20th and 18th centuries as well as current American political history.
Besides reading about the past, I enjoy music, salsa dancing, and spending time with my family. I’m a sibling to eight and uncle to eighteen, so as you can imagine, family parties are pretty large and exciting. Being part of such a large family encourages me to create a community and a culture that encourages participation and inclusion across all differences.
I’m eager to continue to learn about the strength of community with EUIP in LA and look forward to this year of reflection, service, and warm weather.
Yo! Alexa Lainez, here! I am a recent graduate of Saint Louis University (in the heart of America) with a degree in Social Work. My time at SLU opened my eyes to the world of social justice and sparked my desire to be involved in seeking justice for and with others. My true passion is working with individuals who have suffered any traumatic experiences, especially children. I believe that children are our future and thus being able to provide them with tools to succeed will allow for the betterment of not only themselves, but of society as a whole.
También pienso que fútbol es el mejor deporte, y que siempre hay tiempo para todo. I am grateful for all the opportunities I have been blessed with, including the adventure that this program will bring. Even though Kansas City will forever have my heart #madeinkc, I am excited for what this year in Los Angeles has to offer!
Hello! My name is Taubrea Hall, I am 23 years old. I am Californian native born and raised in Northern California attending California State University of Los Angeles majoring in Music. Currently back home in Sacramento, CA taking a year off.
I was born and raised a Christian with a passion to change the world and make a difference. In my few years of college I joined a Christian Fellowship club called InterVarsity, in which I soon became a student leader for. Through that, I’ve grown spiritually and personally through leadership as well as being apart of a community. Apart of my duties as a leader we had to be of service to others, not only on my campus but through the surrounding community as well. Because of this experience, my passion to be apart of a change for those less fortunate grew 10 fold. Because of the struggles of my life, I dedicate myself to help the broke hearted and those who are struggling in the best way that I can. I know for a fact that through Jubilee I will achieve that goal.
I am excited for what this year will bring, and the experience of service for Jubilee EUIP. My Journey is only beginning.