Born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Grace Nsavu has lived in Los Angeles since her family moved to the U.S. in 2001. A recent UCLA graduate, her passion for social justice and commitment to community work brought her into our program. Eventually, she’ll go on to pursue a Master’s Degree in Urban Planning with an emphasis on food and housing insecurity. When she’s not working, she enjoys discovering new music, practicing self-care, and exploring everything LA has to offer. She’s excited to begin this new adventure and take on the EUIP Program.
Hey there! My name is Parkes Ousley! I am 22 years old and am moving to LA from Austin, Texas, where I have lived the past four years while attending college at UT. Austin is the 5th place I’ve lived in Texas, but it’s my favorite by far. I am a cradle Episcopalian; my dad is an Episcopal priest and my mom a cradle Episcopalian herself. With all of the moving I’ve gone through, the Episcopal Church has been one of the only constants in my life, and it means a lot to me. I really value all that I’ve learned from my time in the walls and communities of the Church. Other than my faith, there are quite a few other things I feel are very important. First is family, second is friends, and third is food. I love all food other than green peas. I constantly crave Tex-Mex and think a good salad is to die for. I love music, listen to it constantly, and even play a few instruments myself. Soccer is my favorite sport, but football is right up there. I love reading, and I’m excited to get back into that a little more now that I am out of college. I really enjoy biking as well, and am really hoping to explore LA atop Toothless, my beautiful bike. That brings me to my next point; I love movies. All of them. I rarely watch a movie that I don’t like. Something about being lost in another world just gets me, even if the story is dull and slow. For some reason, How to Train Your Dragon is near the top of the list for me, and thus, my bike’s name is Toothless. Otherwise, I am extremely eager to get to be in the midst of a new community. I’m excited to be in a new part of the country learning about what others’ experiences have been, both in the Church and in life in general. I’m truly looking forward to doing God’s good work with you.
My name is Anna Hinesley and I’m from Pensacola, Florida. I am excited to have as many adventures as possible in Los Angeles and explore how I want to be of service to others in my career and life.
For me, LA has meant Lower Alabama, which is where most of my family lives. I come from a big family with many, many cousins. We get together for just about every major holiday and we celebrate with good Southern cooking and sharing memories with each other. One of the most beautiful places in the world is on my grandparent’s pier – there is no better place to watch a sunset.
I enjoy swing dancing, tango, and blues dancing. I love going to a new city and meeting new people through dance. I can’t wait to dance in Los Angeles! I also love cupcakes, board games, and Harry Potter.
Rediet Tewolde grew up in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She came to the United States four years ago and went to Augustana University. She graduated in Government and International Affairs and aspires to be an International Lawyer.