Hi! My name is Rocio Fregoso. I am 22 years old. I just recently graduated from Philadelphia University. My major in college was Law and Society and my minor was biopsychology. I loved what I studied in college and couldn’t be happier with what I’ve learned. Currently, I’ve been exploring my spiritual journey. I attend both a Catholic mass and a Unitarian Universalist congregation. Fun fact: I was born in California but moved from there when I was 4 years old to Pennsylvania and never went back. It will be exciting for me to see what the West Coast is like in comparison to the only other state that I’ve known. I like poetry, running on trails, and learning about other cultures. My favorite pass time is going to see new places, trying new foods, and going to see art.
Hey y’all!! My name is Bianca Jackson, I am 24 years old, and I was born and bred in Akron, Ohio! From freshman to first semester sophomore year in college, I went to the University of Akron. But during my sophomore year, I made a bold decision of transferring to Central State University in Wilberforce, OH. I love my HBCU (Historically Black College and Universities) and while attending CSU, my life transformed dramatically. With the prayers and guidance from my then roommate (and now best friend), I committed my life to Jesus Christ, and about 6 months later, I got baptized!!!!
When I got saved, my life instantly changed (for the better of course). I had this desire in serving others, and maintaining a relationship with God. During college, I did several community service projects such as Habitat for Humanity, food pantries, and mission trips. I did a Christian internship (very similar to EUIP) in the summer of 2012, and I then discovered one of callings, which is to serve. I graduated with my Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Work in 2013! It was such a huge accomplishment because I was the first person in my family to graduate college. Graduation was one of the best days of my life, and that’s the happiest I ever saw my mommy! So after graduation, I did a year commitment in AmeriCorps NCCC FEMA Corps as a Team Leader. I must say, that year was very challenging for me. I believe that being a team leader will be one of the toughest jobs I will ever have! But I made through it, and I could have not done it without God! This gave me a chance to gain a closer relationship with the Lord, and I only expect the same at EUIP. I hope to gain more professional social work experience, and gain a better since of who Bianca is. I haven’t been to California since the 6th grade, and never been to Los Angeles, so I am really excited to come in August 2014!
Hi, my name is Dolores Mai Macauley. I recently graduated from Le Moyne College, in Syracuse, NY with a BA in Psychology, and a minor in Criminology. I was born in NYC and raised in Newark, New Jersey.
From a young age I became heavily involved in youth ministries within the Diocese of Newark, and developed an understanding of the importance of faith, community, and spirituality. As I studied Psychology in college, I became intrigued by how mental health issues impacted underprivileged communities. Growing up in Newark made me aware of how substance abuse is not only destructive to individuals battling addiction, but to the community as well. My future plans are to study Mental Health in graduate school, and become an addiction specialist. Im excited and grateful to have this opportunity to be apart of a program that incorporates spirituality, social work, and community service. I look forward to growing in my faith and exploring Southern California!
Hello, I am Kristin Liu (pronounced “Christine Loo”)! I was born and raised in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with a five-year detour in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
To cap my time off in the PNW, I received a BS in Environmental Health from the University of Washington. It was there where I learned how to navigate Seattle, love Jesus, make friends, and realize my dream to be a health educator. More specifically, I would love to be a sexual health educator in the future because education and awareness are so important to making healthy decisions even at a young age. I love spending time with people in its various incarnations such as concerts, movies, bubble tea dates, etc. I also like to think myself the queen of pop culture as I am always consuming copious amounts of books, TV shows, movies, and music.
I am very excited to be part of EUIP as I get a chance to be a community servant to the greater LA area. I cannot wait to be stretched in many different ways this upcoming year as I live in intentional community and serve the community intentionally. I know this year will be an exciting ride regardless of what happens, so let the adventure begin!
My name is Emily Sexton, I was born and raised in Dayton, Ohio (ironically, my family are big U of M fans, Go Blue!) I recently graduated from Wright State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work. Spending time with my wonderful family and friends makes my heart so happy! I also enjoy reading, exercising, singing, cooking, and doing anything outside. I have a feeling that this year will be one of my most exciting adventures yet!
Over the years I have worked as a server, sales associate, an event planner, camp counselor, a youth director, and a nanny to name a few! I have served others through leadership within my church, volunteering with local outreach ministries and organizations, as well as through mission work both nationally and internationally.
To quote a camp song, “There’s a yearning deep inside me, a longing to be free. And it always brings me back to You again”. I feel called to go out and serve, to experience new things, to challenge myself. As craddle Episcopalian, I feel grateful to have been raised in a church that honors the dignity of every human being and actively engages in practices that advance social justice. Mostly, I feel incredibly priviledged to spend a year developing professionally, growing spiritually, living in community with my fellow interns, and working collaboratively for social justice with the people of Los Angeles. I cannot wait to see what this “Great Perhaps” may bring!
Hello! My name is Trevor Madore and I grew up in Milford, Connecticut with two parents and two siblings. I’ve spent the last four years living outside Burlington, Vermont where I attended St. Michael’s College and graduated with a degree in Political Science and Peace and Justice.
I’ve had service opportunities in college and my childhood, but I’m looking forward to being fully engaged in community building through EUIP. The past two summers I have canvassed with Vermont Public Interest Research Group, and have grow in my capabilities to interact with new people and create personal connections. Having never lived in a big city before, I’m excited for L.A. and the experiences I will have there.
In my personal time, I love being outside and listening to live music. While I enjoy the occasional Netflix binge, TV isn’t really for me. I have been told that my spirit animal is a dolphin and I can spend hours in the sun on the beach, as long as there is sunscreen. I’m always down for an adventure!
Hello! My name is Emilia Nardi and I’m a navy brat hailing from the sailing capital of the America, Annapolis, MD. I recently graduated from American University in Washington, DC with my Bachelor of Arts in International Studies. I took advantage of many opportunities during my time in the nation’s capitol from serving underprivileged communities to working in government and the nonprofit world. My undergraduate studies fostered my passions in peace and conflict resolution, urban issues, and international policy.
Living in Washington, DC was great exposure to the international side of things, but it also opened my eyes to domestic problems of social justice and poverty. About a year ago, I experienced what military folks know as the “call to service”. In my case that won’t involve joining the armed forces, but instead working towards finding solutions to problems that will benefit those in need. After hearing about Episcopal Service Corps through my university’s Episcopal campus ministry I felt that this was a step in the right direction. I spent a large portion of my childhood in San Diego, so I’m excited to return to my California roots while learning, serving, and growing in my new community of Los Angeles!
Hi! I’m Rebecca Miller and I am from the small town of Chardon, Ohio where I am the youngest of a blended family of 5 siblings. I graduated in 2014 from Wilmington College in Ohio with a major in Religion & Philosophy, and minors in Psychology and Spanish. I love to sing, play piano, read, crochet, sew, and do almost anything outside! I grew up spending my summer vacations and sick days at a little Episcopal Church on the banks of the Chagrin River in Kirtland Hills, Ohio where my mom is the Parish Administrator. I loved being there. I’ve always had a love for ministry, but over the last few years have felt a call to God and His church. I began looking at the different ESC programs a couple years ago because I wanted be a part of something bigger than myself.
I am excited about the LA program because of all the opportunity it holds, and of course the beach! I am very thankful for the support I have from my family, friends, and my parish families in this journey. I am thrilled to have the privilege of spending a year with EUIP! I look forward to all the challenges I know I will be faced with throughout the year. I hope to learn about myself, my relationship with God, and so much more!
My name is Niquise Toliver. I am a recent graduate from Loyola Marymount University, with a major in Urban Studies and a minor in Environmental Studies. Because of my education and personal experiences, I’ve made it a mission to immerse myself in many models of community service and social change so that I may use those techniques to uplift and serve the people and areas of Los Angeles that often get overlooked in the struggle. I’ve held positions that required me to reflect, critique, question, and act on behalf of those who are deemed powerless.
Those positions coupled with my own personal witness have taught me three important things about service and faith that I hope to continue to build on through the Episcopal Urban Intern Program. The first is that faith is a necessary tool for sustaining the spirit of the disadvantaged, as it gives them a space and a voice to speak their own struggles. The second is that change happens within oneself and the space that she occupies, extending into her local communities and the global community spectrum. Finally, I learned that one must have both the conversation of service, and take the necessary action towards the justice that it conveys in order for change to happen.
I’m very excited to work with EUIP for the 2014-2015 year! I hope to eventually continue my education in a Master’s Program in the area of either Law, Public Policy, or Non-Profit Management.
Hello all! My name is Elyse Wegner, spelled with a y, and I grew up in the Chicago area. I recently graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Illinois State University and absolutely loved the program. After spending four years in Normal, IL, I came to appreciate the endless surrounding cornfields and believe that there is beauty to be found everywhere and in everyone. I am especially looking forward to experiencing the beauty of the West Coast that I have heard so much about! I cannot wait to continue on this journey working for social justice and building relationships with the population that I will serve. I am hoping that this year will bring significant insight into the section of social work that I have a passion for and shape me into an effective servant for Christ.
EUIP really stuck out to me because it places high emphasis on community and serves so many different people. I welcome variety, adventure and exploring because you find something new every time. I love reading, rain, cats and coffee-preferably all together. Despite my love for thunderstorms, I am looking forward to spending a year in the sun in Los Angeles with my fellow interns!
It’s really hard to tell you everything about me,
Especially in this one to two paragraph biography.
My name is Dominique Bocanegra from small town Brisbane,
Right next to San Francisco, cute but kind of plain!
I lived out a dream of “Going to college in Hawaii,”
But ever since then, the real world hasn’t helped “find me!”
It wasn’t until I received an email from Suzanne,
She said “We saw your profile, ‘Do you see EUIP in your future plan?’”
My gut told me this was my calling all along,
So I eagerly filled out my application, spelling nothing wrong!
I graduated with Criminal Justice and Business Admin,
Played DII Soccer & Softball, President of the Sports Club I was in.
Involved with Make-A-Wish Hawaii and Campus Ministry,
All those experiences showed what really interests me!
After college I knew I wanted to help others for work,
Because a mind-numbing, routine job would make me go berserk!
I look forward to a lot in my year with this program,
Get to work and reside with likeminded people I’ll call “fam,”
Be given the chance to immerse myself within the community,
And most importantly, grow closer to the voice of my spirituality.
Lastly, who knows what’ll happen after I serve,
All I know is that everything I’ll get to observe,
Will take my path on a swerve,
To reduce a social-justice curve,
And really lend a hand to those who deserve!
My name is Connor Thompson. I’m from Arkansas. I was formally educated in Little Rock public schools and at Hendrix College, but I continue to be informally educated by books, where the best teachers tend to be found. I also lived and studied for two semesters in India at the University of Hyderabad.
My experience in India was crucial for me to understand and formulate the two greatest motivating forces in my life right now: the compulsion to write and the desire to work in the service of disenfranchised people. I am looking forward to doing plenty of both during my year of service with EUIP. I am also looking forward to learning through my peers and mentors a good deal about Christianity, the Bible and the Anglican tradition. My relationship to all three of these has been a bit half-baked over the years, and I hope that by living within an intentional Episcopalian community I will gain a greater first-hand understanding of their creeds and virtues.
Most of all, I am looking forward to the cultural life of Los Angeles, particularly its music, art, food and films outside of Hollywood. I live for that stuff and will embrace the challenge of pursuing each on an urban intern’s budget.
Hello. My name is Jessie Osborne and I am from Carlisle, Pennsylvania. I attended college at Shippensburg University, about thirty minutes south of Carlisle.
I graduated this past May with a degree of Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and a minor in Political Science. I am Episcopalian raised and heard about this opportunity from a friend within the diocese. I have a strong passion for helping others in need, no matter how big or small the task is. I love meeting new people and learning about them.
I hope to get out of a year with EUIP a great learning experience and meet and make long lasting relationships with my fellow interns and with those at the work sites.